// WHO AM I?
  'name' => 'Hamid Afghan',
  'title' => 'Full-stack Developer',
  'stack' => [ 'TALL Stack' ],
Latest Posts

Jan 25, 2022 — 13 minute read

Laravel Eloquent tips that you need to know

This is a shortlist of the amazing hidden Laravel eloquent 30 tips that make the code go on smoothly.

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Jan 8, 2022 — 1 minute read

NPM --save and --no-save

As a JavaScript developer, always you need to keep in your mind which is the right argument that should be added.

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Jan 5, 2022 — 1 minute read

Valet Share need to sign in ngrok

Now and afterward you need to login for the `valet share` command. To overcome the issue, first, create an account at ngrok and navigate the auth token page it will provide you a token.

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['@2024', 'Hamid Afghan']

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