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// WHO AM I?
  'name' => 'Hamid Afghan',
  'title' => 'Full-stack Developer',
  'stack' => [ 'TALL Stack' ],
Latest Posts

Jan 25, 2022 — 13 minute read

Laravel Eloquent tips that you need to know

This is a shortlist of the amazing hidden Laravel eloquent 30 tips that make the code go on smoothly.

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Jan 8, 2022 — 1 minute read

NPM --save and --no-save

As a JavaScript developer, always you need to keep in your mind which is the right argument that should be added.

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Jan 7, 2022 — 1 minute read

2022 is the year to be helpful, and be positive for others.

The year 2021 was a great year for me. I could contribute 50+ pull requests to repositories and helped some of my friends to get started with programming.

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Jan 5, 2022 — 1 minute read

Valet Share need to sign in ngrok

Now and afterward you need to login for the `valet share` command. To overcome the issue, first, create an account at ngrok and navigate the auth token page it will provide you a token.

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Jan 2, 2022 — 1 minute read

Laravel Online Class II

In May 2021, I had started talking about Laravel Framework for beginners in different sessions. Many people joined the sessions via the Zoom meeting application. If you join the next level of first sessions, here is how you register!

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